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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - slur


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Перевод с английского языка slur на русский

1) смазанный оттиск 2) полигр. марашка 3) конёк (котонной машины)
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См. в других словарях

  1) кулирный 2) кулирный клин 3) пятно ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. пятно to cast (to put, to throw) a slur on (upon) smb., smth. —- порочить кого-либо, что-либо to keep one's reputation free from all slurs —- сохранить незапятнанную репутацию 2. клеветническое обвинение, оскорбительный намек, инсинуация 3. редк. (нарочитое) невнимание, пренебрежение; унижение (чьего-либо достоинства) 4. неотчетливое произношение (звуков, слов) 5. полигр. марашка 6. произносить небрежно, невнятно; глотать (слова) 7. писать неясно, неотчетливо 8. делать наспех, небрежно to slur one's lesson —- выучить урок кое-как 9. (часто over) замалчивать, обходить молчанием; принижать значение (чего-либо) to slur (over) the faults —- упоминать о недостатках лишь вскользь to slur over the details —- опускать подробности the problem has been slurred over —- эта проблема замалчивается 10. полигр. ставить марашку 11. муз. лига, знак легато 12. муз. исполнять (группу звуков) легато ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) пятно (на репутации); to put a slur (upon) - опорочить  2) (расплывшееся) пятно  3) typ. марашка  4) слияние (звуков, слов)  5) mus. лига  2. v.  1) произносить невнятно, глотать (слова)  2) писать неразборчиво  3) смазывать, стирать (различие и т.п.; часто slur over)  4) опускать, пропускать (over)  5) obs. клеветать, хулить, чернить  6) mus. связывать звуки, исполнять легато - slur over SLUR over замалчивать, обходить молчанием; принижать значение (чего-л.) The Minister tried to slur over his departments mistake although it had cost the taxpayers a lot of money. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. & n. --v. (slurred, slurring) 1 tr. & intr. pronounce or write indistinctly so that the sounds or letters run into one another. 2 tr. Mus. a perform (a group of two or more notes) legato. b mark (notes) with a slur. 3 tr. archaic or US put a slur on (a person or a person's character); make insinuations against. 4 tr. (usu. foll. by over) pass over (a fact, fault, etc.) lightly; conceal or minimize. --n. 1 an imputation of wrongdoing; blame; stigma (a slur on my reputation). 2 the act or an instance of slurring in pronunciation, singing, or writing. 3 Mus. a curved line to show that two or more notes are to be sung to one syllable or played or sung legato. Etymology: 17th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: obsolete English dialect ~ thin mud, from Middle English sloor; akin to Middle High German slier mud  Date: 1609  1.  a. an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo ; aspersion  b. a shaming or degrading effect ; stain, stigma  2. a blurred spot in printed matter ; smudge  II. verb  (~red; ~ring)  Date: 1660  transitive verb  1. to cast aspersions on ; disparage ~red his reputation  2. to make indistinct ; obscure  intransitive verb to slip so as to cause a ~ — used of a sheet being printed  III. verb  (~red; ~ring)  Etymology: probably from Low German ~rn to shuffle; akin to Middle English sloor mud  Date: 1660  transitive verb  1.  a. to slide or slip over without due mention, consideration, or emphasis ~red over certain facts  b. to perform hurriedly ; skimp let him not ~ his lesson — R. W. Emerson  2. to perform (successive tones of different pitch) in a smooth or connected manner  3.  a. to reduce, make a substitution for, or omit (sounds that would normally occur in an utterance)  b. to utter with such reduction, substitution, or omission of sounds his speech was ~red  intransitive verb  1. dialect chiefly England slip, slide  2. drag, shuffle  IV. noun  Date: circa 1801  1.  a. a curved line connecting notes to be sung to the same syllable or performed without a break  b. the combination of two or more ~red tones  2. a ~ring manner of speech ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (slurs, slurring, slurred) 1. A slur is an insulting remark which could damage someone’s reputation. This is yet another slur on the integrity of the Metropolitan Police. = smear N-COUNT: oft N on n 2. If someone slurs their speech or if their speech slurs, they do not pronounce each word clearly, because they are drunk, ill, or sleepy. He repeated himself and slurred his words more than usual... The newscaster’s speech began to slur... VERB: V n, V ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to speak unclearly without separating your words or sounds correctly  (slur your words/speech)  (He was obviously drunk and slurring his words.) 2 to criticize someone or something unfairly 3 to play a group of musical notes smoothly together - slurred adj  (slurred speech) ~2 n 1 an unfair criticism that is intended to make people dislike someone or something + on  (a slur on my reputation) 2 an unclear way of speaking in which the words are not separated  (the slur in his voice) 3 a curved line written over musical notes to show they must be played together smoothly ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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